Morals vs religious moralities In the past, there were periods wherein I had grown an esteemed dislike for Jewish people. And being a conscious feminist, it is indeed very easy to conjure up extremely logical reasoning for my claims. But my latter experiences have made me accept that disliking any group of people, regardless of their actions, only creates turmoil in my own well-being. I developed reasoning to help the Palestinians, sublimely, without exactly condemning archaic Jewish actions, only constructively criticizing the present decisions. And this brought about the concept of morality and how we are all justifying our actions and simultaneously entitled to our own actions. Then, I realized that the theory of religious morality does not actually justify the adjoined parties actions. The Jews, the Palestinians and neither my own point of view were confirmed under the pretense of religious morality. Religion does not prescribe oppression, only mutual...
Showing posts from October, 2013