A short story.

It was the winter time. And winter time in Petrograd led to uncontrolled cases of Facebook voyeurism. All fatuous personalities were driven into closets, while incensed produce-sellers gradually settled near the comfort of well-oiled heaters. The farce of teenage relationships and authentic petulance had drawn to a close and the only thing the vacations left me with was the overuse of the phrase “YOLO” (which, I believe meant “You Only Live Once”.) Unsure of the phrases deeper meaning of why it was even initially institutionalised, I set upon a mission to enrich my evidently limited understanding.

 Judy distinctly understood “YOLO” as making uneducated decisions about her future. The sweet, but very relevant, balance between your career choice and whether there is actually any worldly scope for it is vital. Judy resolved to pursue fashion design. She was under the impression that the world was her oyster. She believed so because her superbly supportive parents had told her so. And Judy, herself, is the epitome of social selfishness. I mean fashion design is just the most innovative way to better the world! Judy’s social responsibilities were on the brink of being neglected. As to why Judy did not see my point of view – I have no idea. That may be, perhaps, because my opinions were less flashy.

 “YOLO” could just be interpreted as a very convenient reason to have fun; leisure that adults would not approve of. It could very well be an invitation to have fun; but at the same time “YOLO”, itself, can be seen as a reason to make the most out of life, which once again just screams ambiguity. Making the most out of life could mean indulging your soul in religion, good practices and making brave (but endearing) decisions; or making the most out of life by partying the night away before the exam . What if you are not even alive for the examination? What a totally valid excuse to do averagely in economics?  You Only Live Once?

 Judy’s mother clearly advocated “YOLO” when she did not advise her daughter to devote her life to more Earthly matters. It seemed to me that “YOLO” was a competition within the typical family regarding who could most out-do their raucous behaviour under the pretence of “You Only Live Once”. The typical housewife mother has as many children as her friend’s (because children are of no cost and clearly does not wreck the female’s body.) She would have as large as a house as her millionaire friends, and drive the most exorbitant costing cars, despite the crippling debt.
 Why? “I guess you only live once hey!” Standard Answer. Well, I disagree. I disclose social standards and social pressure has an adverse effect on the families’ universally. It seems as if Judy, her parents and myself, included. have began a diabolical lifelong competition that startlingly fails to accurately capture the essence of our youth’s social responsibilities. So, I re-iterate that competition does play a role in our daily lives and not always of a healthy or beneficial nature.


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