This post needs a title.

The December holidays have just ended and although they’ve gone by way too fast, it doesn’t hurt to re-live it along with a few laughs.

So, here’s a few things you did at least once during your holiday;
- Went to the beach, got mad sunburned and then insisted that you're never going back there followed by another secret visit to the beach two hours later.
- Had an absolutely mindless conversation with someone just because you felt no need to think during your holiday.
- Watched a bang load of series that you got from that beautiful series person. (Yes, we all have one)
- Decided that it's way too hot to go out of your house, ever.
- Slept on the floor. The cold tiles are absolute bliss in summer.
- Had a crazy photo shoot with your friends in your back yard at which stage the neighbor was peeking through a peephole in the fence creepily. Beware.
- Changed your biological clock to become a ‘nocturnal being.’ ie: sleeping at 4am and awaking at 3pm every day.
- Slept for more than 12 hours at a time. Simply the best feeling ever.
- Become practically obsessed with one song and just scream sang it like crazy until you've ruined the song for yourself and every other human being within a two mile radius, who also happened to hear your blaring music...
- Have your parents tell you to study or do something constructive for once after which you gleefully told them that you had nothing to study.
- Burned a pot of popcorn because you had music blasting and your nose switched off periodically. This followed by blaming any other living being in your home for not smelling the burnt popcorn earlier. Just a reminder that your dog can't talk and shouting "Why did you let me burn the popcorn? Why didn’t you tell me it was burning?" won't make it.
- Had the opportunity to meet someone new.
-Went on vacation; either a relaxing spa, or touring a beautiful city. At which stage, you missed home and loved the city you were in simultaneously.
- Has a sad realization that you’ve reached the time of your holidays where you have no money left, and thus, resulting in hanging with either generous friends or your parents.
- Got really amped about going out and thus, convincing yourself that you do have a social life. #PlotTwist - that doesn't mean you have a social life.
- Cancelled a perfectly adjusted plan with your friends because you'd rather just stay in and sleep. Sleep > friends
- Cancelled plans to go out simply because you're avoiding the sunshine. Getting burned during Summer is a common occurrence and includes almost all of Winter to regain one's original skin tone.
- Wished that you could rewind the holiday back to the beginning and live it just once more.
- Convincing yourself that school doesn't sound too bad after all by totally and completely ignoring the fact that a school goers day begins at 6am, simply two hours into a nocturnal beings sleep schedule.
- Wore your pajamas into midday and then hid from your dog because he looked at you shamefully, while your cat glanced your way and simply blew you off. As if to say, "I have more important things to do, Exhibit A: sleeping.
- Attempted to cook something, followed by your mother's hysterical laughter and sarcastic claps from a far. This followed by you defending that making an omelet is considered cooking.
- Becoming incredibly and unnaturally attached to twitter.
- Attended a party wearing enough scarce clothing to have a picture taken and posted on ""

That’s all.


  1. haha....very funny Saudii...your blog is awesome!!!Keep it up <3


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