Can you spot the bully?

Obama is launching a limited military strike, on Syria, aimed at who ever has used said chemical weapons. This is basically a war that just comprises of American troops entering Syria until they find said chemical weapon user. He doesn't know who actually used the chemical weapons, neither do the UN. This serves as a little fun adventure to prove American strength and dominance. Because of course  more interference with the Syrian people as well as the strengthening of al-Assad's dictatorial regime under the pretense of a war is completely necessary for humanity to advance in peace. Typically.

"The aim of the game here, the mandate, is very clear -- and that is to ascertain whether chemical weapons were used -- and not by whom," U.N. spokesman Martin Nesirky.

And if they were used, does that decree a limited military strike on the Syrian people. No, actually it grants purgatory of the condemned, not the citizens. And yet collateral damage of even these limited attacks always seem to be the innocent.

"This attack is an assault on human dignity," , Obama states, referring to the chemical weapon used.

"It also presents a serious danger to our national security; it risks making a mockery of the global prohibition on the use of chemical weapons."
What I cannot exactly seem to grasp is when exactly in Syria's civil war, including the use of the chemical weapons, has anyone threatened America?
And why is using guns and missiles, as well as bomb and tanks not considered "an assault on human dignity" as American troops patriotically occupy spaces in Afghanistan and Iraq? And as they feed weapons to the party of a civil war that would benefit them in the future.

"I will bring an end to this war. I will bring our troops home." were words spoken by Obama as a tool to be voted into presidency.
He has not removed a vast number of troops from Iraq and Afghanistan, and will now simply be deploying American soldiers to fight against an enemy he cant quantify. 

“An attack on Syria will mean the imminent destruction of Israel,” Jafari, commander of Iran’s powerful Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps stated.
This means that if America initiate war, Iran will declare war on Israel, essentially inducing 'imminent destruction' of Israel. Although, this would be a step in the right direction for Palestinians, the deaths of Israelis, innocent Syrian citizens and American soldiers seems unwarranted and unconsidered by Obama.

I understand that peace talks have not always worked in the past and usually occurs after one country has shown their might. But in this particular case more than ever, with Obama creating a chain of circumstances, I think a man to boy talk with Obama and his thoughts are necessary.



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