How can I help you be successful?

Nowadays, our thoughts are structured to be short and concise. They are manipulated into Yahoo answer length and Wikipedia quality. There is no period of pondering or thought provoking questions asked on any topic. We just have a thought and in a speedy manner take it to the internet. I understand that the mere access to endless information is something to rave about. But what is the point of more information if it means less quality of content.

Supposedly, the old people didn't have the knowledge at their fingertip, like we claim we do, but rather had the knowledge in their brain. Alright, easier said than done because we all don't have the capacity to retain large quantities of information.
Meanwhile, we revel in the even shorter means of information retrieval.  Say"OK Google" to an open browser on your phone and then ask a question and the answer will be revealed. All the possible mystery is killed. There is no mystery, only facts. I think this is partially due to our universities, though. They tend to make us academic beings.  

I'm not saying that the internet is the devil and books are the answer. Books also have handy indexes and content pages, along with search engines to locate the books. And I love that they do, I'm saying that we ought to use more people are our source of information collection.

The answer is in the search bar. As well as the year of this census. The level of lazy is just too high.

My far-fetched solution, because even I google menial questions at a record speed to meet deadlines -

Ideally, we should go the roundabout route of bouncing the idea of each other (on or off the internet), each thought adding a decorative layer to the concept. These layers holding valuable insight and experiences. An opinion expressed with body language, tone and expression. Culminating to a well-thought out and remembered composition. Consisting of differences and consensus. It's yours. To be shared and expanded on- forever. This is building the palace of your brain and the complexity to your existence. This is growing.



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