
Showing posts from 2013
Morals vs religious moralities In the past, there were periods wherein I had grown an esteemed dislike for Jewish people. And being a conscious feminist, it is indeed very easy to conjure up extremely logical reasoning for my claims. But my latter experiences have made me accept that disliking any group of people, regardless of their actions, only creates turmoil in my own well-being.  I developed reasoning to help the Palestinians, sublimely, without exactly condemning archaic  Jewish actions, only constructively criticizing the present decisions. And this brought about the concept of morality and how we are all justifying our actions and simultaneously entitled to our own actions. Then, I realized that the theory of religious morality does not actually justify the adjoined parties actions. The Jews, the Palestinians and neither my own point of view were confirmed under the pretense of religious morality. Religion does not prescribe oppression, only mutual...

A not so short list that might actually aid the development of Palestine.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is an issue which people all around the world feel that they simply cannot be off any help to. I fully support Palestinian freedom and I believe that the only way to help the Palestinians is by boycotting American products. The full extent of Palestinian oppression stems from the American's loyal support to Israel by supplying arms and  machinery . Please aid Palestinian freedom by boycotting the following American and Jewish companies. Attached is an alphabetized list of the products which you could boycott. Please take note of the brands which you are accustomed with and keep a copy of this list handy. This is our small attempt to create an impact in Palestinian nationalism.  20th Century Fox AOL Time Warner Apex Arsenal FC Auchan BALI Ball park Banana republic Biotherm Bryan Buitoni Calvin Klein Carrefour Champion Choice Point Clinique CNN Coca Cola Daily...

Can you spot the bully?

Obama is launching a limited military strike, on Syria, aimed at who ever has used said chemical weapons. This is basically a war that just comprises of American troops entering Syria until they find said chemical weapon user. He doesn't know who actually used the chemical weapons, neither do the UN. This serves as a little fun adventure to prove American strength and dominance. Because of course  more interference with the Syrian people as well as the strengthening of al-Assad's  dictatorial  regime under the pretense of a war is completely necessary for humanity to advance in peace. Typically. "The aim of the game here, the mandate, is very clear -- and that is to ascertain whether chemical weapons were used -- and not by whom," U.N. spokesman Martin Nesirky. And if they were used, does that decree a limited military strike on the Syrian people. No, actually it grants purgatory of the condemned, not the citizens. And yet collateral damage of even these...

Food for thought?

"Maybe this is what the Mayans predicted. Not an asteroid of a solar flare, but the end of what we are. We no longer cherish life or other people, neither the Earth or the animals and the natural resources put on it. War, genocide, abuse, senseless mass murder, animal cruelty, gluttony, greed, waste and lust. Just look around you, the end of the world is already here." This extract is regarding two large bombs that were triggered at the finishing line of the Boston Marathon, a long distance running event held annually on the third Monday of April.   The statistics, so far, depict two deceased and twenty-three injured.  Moving forward and progressing past such incidences in America seem to take long. American patriotism dictates that foreign attack is often, but not always, considered Islamic terrorism and thus the mass detest of Muslims. The phenomenon of the 9/11 attack over saw the burning of several thousand Quran's, twelve years...

Shakespeare is brilliant.

I was first introduced formally to Shakespearean plays in grade eight, and I distinctly remember my English teacher opening with;   "Shakespeare is brilliant." I was told how he had a knack for brilliant English. Honestly, I was so lost and I could hardly understand how this means of English was considered brilliant. I later learned the poetry of Shakespearean language. How, it was poetic, but not nearly as close as Arabic’s poetic license. Shakespeareans’ plays lines in any single play have exactly 10 syllables in each sentence. Allowing for a rhyme that one cannot even hear, but that one can feel. I have noticed that the topics that Shakespeare touches on and had lived through holds great parallel to conflicts and worldwide issues that are current. This is an extract from the Merchants of Venice; "To bait fish withal: if it will feed nothing else, it will feed my revenge. He hath disgraced me, and hindered me half a million; laughed at my losses, ...

This post needs a title.

The December holidays have just ended and although they’ve gone by way too fast, it doesn’t hurt to re-live it along with a few laughs. So, here’s a few things you did at least once during your holiday; - Went to the beach, got mad sunburned and then insisted that you're never going back there followed by another secret visit to the beach two hours later. - Had an absolutely mindless conversation with someone just because you felt no need to think during your holiday. - Watched a bang load of series that you got from that beautiful series person. (Yes, we all have one) - Decided that it's way too hot to go out of your house, ever. - Slept on the floor. The cold tiles are absolute bliss in summer. - Had a crazy photo shoot with your friends in your back yard at which stage the neighbor was peeking through a peephole in the fence creepily. Beware. - Changed your biological clock to become a ‘nocturnal being.’ ie: sleeping at 4am and awaking at 3pm every day...